Back to the Future Focus Plan

Back to the Future Focus Plan

Published: 12th December 2022

Back to the Future Focus Plan | Escentia Empowering Leaders

Get your copy of our Back to the Future Focus Plan

As the holiday season approaches and the year draws to a close, it can be tempting to rush forwards and plan for the year ahead – skipping past the moments and milestones that have led us to today.

Without pause and reflection, it’s easy to miss those moments of clarity and courage, and to lose track of the things that we intentionally set out to do and have achieved. At Escentia, we understand the importance of taking a look back in order to look forwards – going back to the future.

That’s why we created our Focus Plan, which focuses on 3 of Escentia’s 6 critical ingredients that enable us to lead and live with intention: clarity, courage and congruence. It’s a simple guide to help you to pause and reflect on how far you have come, before envisioning where you are going next.

So amidst the holiday bustle, we would encourage you to allow some space for reflection, because new insights and inspiration come in those moments when we slow down.

Download your copy of the Focus Plan Today.

In the meantime, the Escentia team would like to wish you a very Happy Christmas and a New Year full of fresh and exciting goals!

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