

Take a look at our client feedback and see if we’d make a good fit for you and your team.


Hear what our clients have to say about working with us. Would Escentia make good fit for you and your team?

Building Team Connectivity and Trust

“It was a great day in which we were able to better understand ourselves and our team members. We aligned on our expectations of the team and made concrete actions to implement. The 5 voices is a great tool and with the leadership of Paula, which was amazing, we really were able to talk about taboos.”

Viatris Netherlands

Global Leadership Team Kick off with 30 leaders from around the World

“I was reminded recently of the amazing energy and power that comes when diverse-minded people get together to learn, grow and share. Last week, I had the pleasure of being with my fellow leaders in the Pfizer IDM Biopharma team meeting in London. We reflected on what we have learnt living and working through the extraordinary circumstances of the last 2 years, discussed our future direction and worked together on common goals and challenges. People sometimes say leadership can be lonely, but I can honestly say when we come together as a team, we realise our collective power. There is always someone else you can turn to and often, you then have the pleasure of being able to reciprocate when they need a listening ear. I’m thankful and #pfizerproud we are now at a place where we can get together in person and experience that team spirit en masse, with colleagues I respect and value. Thank you Paula & Matt from Escentia Ltd for making it happen.”

Western Europe President – Pfizer

Behavioural Change Programme to Enhance Individual and Team Self-Awareness, Impact & Connection

“We engaged Paula and team to help us design an empowerment and leadership approach that would enable our unique operating model that was aligned with our company cultural behaviors. Recognizing that our leadership challenges are different from the rest of our company, they helped us design a program that allowed us to understand our organisational needs and objectives, as well as understand our individual leadership potential. They managed this by leveraging their business experience, knowledge of our cultural legacy, and applying valuable resources such as the 5 Voices to define a leadership journey that guide us from self-awareness to influential leaders that drive results. Colleagues at all levels quickly embraced and owned this new approach and have effectively embedded into their day-to-day leadership activities. We already see the impact in both colleague engagement and financial performance. Thank you Paula and team for your collaboration and guidance on this personal and professional growth journey. We look forward to the next chapter!”

Vice President Europe – Viatris

Team Leader Workshop

“Thanks again Paula & Matt for taking our team to a next level in such an expert, agile and fun way. The team just shared that this was the best CLT offsite ever (and we were not even offsite!)”

Country Manager – Pfizer

Team Performance

“The resilience 5 Voices session was surprisingly enlightening. I must say, it was the most interesting profile I have ever completed. I feel that the insights provided have given me a conscious understanding of how I am and how I am perceived. Great tools to have when pressure is high. And the best thing is that it can be used not just at work but also at home and in life, which I find very impressive. I have participated in various profiling exercises throughout my career, and none have matched the standard and results of these.”

Client Feedback

Leadership Workshop

“Despite the many self-assessment and group performance experiences, this one really stood out. Being forced to reflect on and right down how you want to be perceived as a leader, and share it with the team, was extremely impactful. Both for the individuals and the team.  (The workshop) goes well beyond theory. Concrete, tangible clues, advice and examples are offered. Everyone is standing almost permanently in front of a mirror, leading to a lot of self-reflection and inspiration. No-one leaves the room with a blank paper, but with a commitment to be a better leader/person.”

Team Member – Pfizer

Connecting the Team and Achieving Aligned Objectives and Ways of Working

I was fortunate to recently have Paula and team lead my team offsite as I had some new team members and wanted to get the team to agree on how best to deliver on a challenging set of objectives, whilst being located in several different countries. They did an amazing job in getting all team members to share their personal strengths and expectations whilst at the same time bringing it all together in a shared set of business objectives and ways of working. I highly recommend Paula and team to anybody looking to align and get more out of their team in an engaged and enjoyable way!”

Vice President Market Access EMEA – Avexis (part of Novartis)

Leadership Empowerment for NHS Senior Leaders and their teams, focusing on all aspects of impactful leadership and behavioural change to enhance individual team self-awareness. Context: coming out of Covid and beyond

Sutton Health and Care hosted by NHS and Social Care Partners in Sutton, SWL engaged with Escentia to look at 3 different aspect of leadership empowerment and behaviour and mindset change. Initially we focused on 4 community nursing teams to empower them to work smarter and better together, owning their leadership decisions. SHC then held a very focused away day for all staff entitled the big tent event. With over 600 staff SHC had not come together as one team for 2 years, during which Covid hit and the teams as frontline NHS teams had to pull the stops out and work over and beyond during this very challenging time.The day focused on the challenges and successes of this era and celebrated the bravery, care and compassion given by all front-line teams during this time.The afternoon focused on what next.

So looking beyond covid and forward to the concept of integrated partnership teams – in line with the national government mandate.

The last event brought the senior leaders of SHC together exploring their leadership voice, how the senior leaders could work together better with their teams and influence the behaviour change/ leadership and improvements needed coming out of the covid era. The day focused on resilience within leadership and also some of the outputs from the big tent event and how together they could enable changes within their teams and across SHC. It is fair to say staff embraced all three very different but clearly aligned events- and we are now starting to see small sprouts of change appearing across SHC.Thank you Escentia – your collaboration and support in our journey – has been fabulous and had proved effective .We look forward to 2023.”

Director of Sutton Health and Care – NHS

2 Day Leadership Training Meeting

It was without doubt an incredibly valuable meeting, and you created an atmosphere where people shared of themselves to such an extent that, as a team member put it: ‘we could have worked together for a decade and not known each other as well’.   Beyond creating stronger connections and trust… I’m delighted to have walked away with clear actions and next steps to make us even more effective for the future too. Thank you, until next time …”

BU Lead – Pfizer UK

Coaching a New Team Head to Lead a New Global Team & Business Venture

Paula’s coaching has been very effective, fully taking into consideration the context of my coaching engagement, quickly familiarising herself with that context; her advice was spot-on and helped me increase my effectiveness and engage with my key stakeholders in a much more”

Managing Director, Global Head of Assessments – Moody’s Investors Service

Behavioural Change Programme to Enhance Performance and Leadership Sustainability for an Entire Organisation (Virtual & Face to Face)

Thank you Paula, Matt and the Escentia team for a truly amazing journey. Fostering a mindset that embraces change and harvests resilience is never easy. Your programme gave us an excellent framework to work with and easy steps to follow. With practice and focus we now see impactful results! What an amazing close to our programme and watching our team on the last day was super inspiring!!!! We certainly chose the right partners.”

Country Manager – Viatris

Leading in Change

“Amazing – thanks so much, Paula – it was an absolutely outstanding meeting with incredible feedback from the team – having your leadership in shaping ahead of time and facilitating during the meeting itself made a huge difference, so THANK YOU!!

Country President – Pfizer

Mentoring and General Coaching

“If asked about 3 key elements that come to mind when working with Paula, I’d say: energy, true personal care and business challenge. Her energy sparkles in innovative, creative and dynamic settings. She knows about the meanders of life and is willing to share and advise openly and truthfully on any aspect of professional/ personal life. Paula will challenge you until she is sure that you breathe your business with ownership confidence. Paula has a remarkable willingness to question herself as well as to think things through with you, if you bring a diverse view and opinion to the table. If you want to really challenge yourself but feel lost in space, Paula will make sure you get on the right track…not by telling you what to do, but by asking the right questions.”

Pharma & Bio Tech Business Leader – Pfizer

Team Temperature Check to Create 2020 Plan. Journey to Build Individual and Team Resilience

“I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you for this fantastic meeting. This was by far one of the best meetings of this kind I ever attended. I felt it was really well thought through and properly build. Some really tangible outcomes for us as team and individuals and I really loved the sports exercises. Overall great idea to remind us about the holistic approach of taking care not only about our minds, but also bodies.”

European Commercial Lead – Pfizer

Mentoring and General Coaching

“I have just been promoted Managing Partner at my consulting firm. Every single day, I think of and use the coaching and consulting that Paula blessed me with, and the tools for empowerment. They have continued to strengthen and develop me. Thank you.”

Managing Partner, U.K Consultant

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