Bringing Business into Nature

Bringing Business into Nature

Published: 21st February 2024

Bringing Business into Nature | Escentia Empowering Leaders

Bringing business into nature is a key part of our approach to team development.

At Escentia, we believe in enhancing leadership theory and learnings gained in the classroom, with practical application outside in nature. This is why our team workshops enable individuals to experience leadership in a different way, and through practical application.  Importantly, we believe this leads to a greater and lasting growth experience and, crucially, we have lots of fun along the way.

Outdoor activities might include:

  • Working with horses to understand adaptable leadership and energy
  • Woodland hikes or campfires to connect and build deeper level of trust
  • Team performance events outdoors in many guises

When working with horses, we regularly partner with our Associate, Rosie Tomkins at N-Stinctive, an incredible leader who specialises in working with horses and has a unique way of enabling the practical application of classroom theory in the paddock. Learn more from Paula and Rosie about our approach in the video clip below.

Paula, founder of Escentia, and Rosie have been dear friends for many years and have built a strong business partnership, based on common values and beliefs.

Clients are always intrigued to hear how horses can enhance their practical learning and the feedback from our teams who have worked with Rosie is always fabulous.  Below, Rosie Tomkins shares her own thoughts on why working with horses is so effective:

“Horses are experts in non-verbal communication and 93% of human communication is non-verbal. Learning how to develop respect trust and how to communicate with these magnificent natural leaders, simulates real life situations with people and provides valuable information on your leadership styles and how others perceive you.”

Why Horses? 8 Incredible Reasons:

  • They are non-judgemental
  • They show congruent leadership
  • They are amplified systems of non-verbal communication.
  • They show us the intense value between commitment & real intention
  • Take us out of the normal way of working
  • They live in the present.
  • They respond to the environment first & then the mind takes over
  • They act as a powerful mirror and provide us with an honest conversation

Get in touch today if you and your team are looking for an opportunity to take leadership theory to the outdoors, and learn more about our leadership development programmes.

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