Leading with Intention

Leading with Intention

Published: 27th August 2024

Escentia Leading with Intention | Escentia Empowering Leaders to Lead with Intention

Leading with Intention – Escentia’s 6Cs Framework

We hope that you’ve had a good Summer, are feeling recharged, and have found a moment or two for pause and reflection. You may even have considered your intentions for yourself and your team as we move into the last quarter of the year.

In today’s dynamic business environment, leading with intention is crucial for developing resilient and adaptive leaders. Escentia’s approach to leadership development focuses on 6 critical ingredients – the 6C framework – which we believe enable individual, team and business success:

Escentia’s 6Cs:

  • Clarity Being clear on who I am, what I stand for and how I maximise my impact and influence.
  • Courage Being brave to step outside of one’s comfort zone.
  • Congruence Walking our talk in every aspect of life.
  • Connection Understanding the power of others to expand our thinking and performance.
  • Coherence Being both emotionally and mentally flexible to ensure being both effective and well.
  • Compassion Caring about others and equally oneself (self-compassion)

Escentia’s unique approach combines these elements with the latest in leadership theory and outdoor experiences, wherever possible, so individuals can experience leadership in a different way and through practical application.  This leads to a greater and lasting growth experience and, crucially we have lots of fun along the way.

Find out more about our Programmes for Leaders and Teams today.

Outdoor Activities

Outdoor activities are offered as part of all of our team workshops and might typically include:

  • Working with horses to understand adaptable leadership and energy
  • Woodland hikes and campfire moments to connect and build deeper levels of trust
  • Outdoor team activities in many guises

Find out more about our Team Outdoor Activities.

Escentia Team Outdoor Activities | Escentia Empowering Leaders to Lead with Intention

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