Outdoor Activities

Taking classroom learnings to the outdoors and into nature is a key part of our approach to leadership and team development. We believe that it enhances the classroom leadership theory by enabling individuals to experience leadership in a different way, and through practical application.  This leads to a greater and lasting growth experience and, crucially we have lots of fun along the way.

For all of our team workshops, we seek to incorporate an element of outdoor activity whenever we can.

Taking classroom learnings to the outdoors and into nature is a key part of our approach to leadership and team development. We believe that it enhances the classroom leadership theory by enabling individuals to experience leadership in a different way, and through practical application.  This leads to a greater and lasting growth experience and, crucially we have lots of fun along the way.

For all of our team workshops, we seek to incorporate an element of outdoor activity whenever we can.


What is involved?

Outdoor activities are offered as part of all of our team workshops, to enhance leadership theory and enable practical application. Activities might typically include:

  • Working with horses to understand adaptable leadership and energy
  • Woodland hikes and campfire moments to connect and build deeper levels of trust
  • Outdoor team activities in many guises

Ready to take a walk on the wild side with us and your team?

Why Horses?

Clients are always intrigued to hear how horses can enhance their practical leadership learning. When working with horses, we regularly partner with our Associate, Rosie Tomkins at N-Stinctive, an incredible leader who specialises in working with horses and has a unique way of enabling the practical application of classroom theory in the paddock.

Here are 8 powerful aspects that horses bring to practical leadership development:

  • They are non-judgemental
  • They show congruent leadership
  • They are amplified systems of non-verbal communication.
  • They show us the intense value between commitment & real intention
  • Take us out of the normal way of working
  • They live in the present.
  • They respond to the environment first & then the mind takes over
  • They act as a powerful mirror and provide us with an honest conversation
Taking Classroom Theory to the Outdoors | Escentia Empowering Leaders

Gain Incredible Insights

Beyond the classroom, our work with partner Rosie Tomkins at N-Stinctive takes us into the arena with the horses, where leaders gain incredible insights by putting leadership into practice. Paula, founder of Escentia, and Rosie have been dear friends for many years and have built a strong business partnership, based on common values and beliefs. Here more in the video >>

What clients are saying

“Working with the horses really resonated because it helped me understand more about how I show up and enabled me to see different people’s approaches.”

Healthcare Charity

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Our Coaches

Paula Tully | Escentia Develop Clear Focused Leaders
Paula Tully
Matt Juby Executive Coach | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Matt Juby
Rosie Tompkins | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Rosie Tomkins
Juliette Knott Associate Coach | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Juliette Knott
Julie Greenwood | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Julie Greenwood
Ruth Simpson | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Ruth Simpson
Lee Farnsworth Associate Coach | Escentia Empowering Leaders
Lee Farnsworth

More Leadership Coaching Programmes

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High-Performance Leadership Teams

Developing Sustainable Teams | Escentia Leadership Programme

Developing Sustainable Teams

Unlocking Your Leadership Growth Potential | Escentia Leadership Programme

Unlocking Your Leadership Growth Potential

The Leader I Am and Aspire to Be Team Programme | Escentia Empowering Leaders to Lead with Intention

The Leader I Am and Aspire to Be

Ready to Talk?

Want to learn more about our coaching and leadership programmes? Let’s connect.