How will you spend your one wild and precious life?
How will you spend your one wild and precious life?
Published: 24th July 2023
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Living and leading with intention – how will you spend your one wild and precious life?
These beautiful words from Mary Oliver’s The Summer Day poem are poignant for many, as the Summer break begins. Summer holidays can be a wonderful time for rest and reflection, spending time with the people you love, or taking on exciting adventures and challenges. However you plan to spend your holidays this year, we hope that you are intentional about making the most of every precious second of your ‘one wild and precious life’… tick tock goes the clock…
“Try to live life so that death will tremble to take you.” Paula Tully
Today Matt and Paula from Escentia, head off on their long-awaited voyage of discovery to walk the 800km Camino de Santiago pilgrimage trail – to be in the moment, reflect and to listen within, to what’s next in business and in life.
For Paula who lives life at a thousand miles an hour, it will enable deep learning and pause, and for Matt who has a natural skill to be present, it will be nourishing after a whirlwind of a business year.
You can join them on their 6 week journey and hear their insights by jumping on the Facebook page: Camino Journey of Discovery 2023, where they will share their experiences, reflections and stories of the people they meet along the way.
They will also need some friendly words of support and encouragement. Journey with Paula & Matt here…
Did you know that the top 3 reasons why people walk the Camino are:
- For a new challenge
- For spiritual or religious reasons
- To get away from it all and connect with nature
In other words… to feed the soul…
Living and Leading with Intention
At Escentia, we spend a lot of time talking about living and leading with intention.
The new Escentia Programme for senior business leaders is a wonderful example of how we can all develop to be more intentional leaders: Unlocking Your Leadership Growth Potential.
Further updates are to come on this leadership journey as we welcome our leaders back for Modules 2, 3 and 4, from September to December. In the meantime, if you’d like further information about this course for 2024, do drop us a line today.