Partnering with NHS Sutton Health & Care

By |2024-05-01T08:30:36+01:00October 3rd, 2023|Escentia 6Cs|

Escentia was excited to again facilitate the annual “Big Tent Event” with NHS Sutton Health & Care Trust. It was a lively event, where some 300 delegates from across 37 different services came together to celebrate team successes, engage with senior leader presentations and facilitated workshop sessions, and experience an injection of some fun group energisers and activities.

Escentia Partner with NHS Sutton Health & Care

By |2024-05-01T08:30:54+01:00October 7th, 2022|Escentia Leadership|

Escentia kick started the month by facilitating the 2-day "Big Tent Event" with the NHS Sutton Health & Care Trust, lead by their leader Lucy Botting.  It was the first time they have come together in over 2.5 years – post the covid pandemic. With 400 delegates represented over two days, it was a truly humbling experience to be a part of such a meeting and to hear the differences made by everyone across 30 very different services (children's and adult NHS services).

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