The Confident Leader in Change

The Confident Leader in Change

Published: 21st May 2024

The Confident Leader in Change | Escentia Empowering Leaders to Lead with Intention

The Confident Leader in Change

Last week, we were delighted to kick off Module 1 of the 2024 Unlocking Your Leadership Growth Potential programme, which has been accredited by the Institute of Leadership.

Our inspiring group of talented leaders joined us in West Sussex for a 2-day immersive session, where leaders became clear on:

  • the leader they are and want to become
  • their leadership voice and their impact and influence on others
  • the power of storytelling
  • becoming a succinct, clear leader with executive presence

The opening classroom session was a day of self-reflection for the delegates, providing the time and space for deep reflection and the opportunity to connect with the group and their coaches. There was also an inspirational session on the power of storytelling, from our guest expert on leadership narrative, Prof. Geoff Mead.

“I’ve never thought that much about my values and my past before – thinking about it gave me a good perspective on who I am.”

“Very thought-provoking and quite emotional.”

The Storytelling session really opened my mind…[learning] how critical stories are, how they have shaped who we are and how we can change our story.”

Day 2 brought the delegates to the outdoors, to experience leadership in a way that they have never experienced it before – in the paddock with horses. Here delegates worked with Rosie Tomkins at N-Stinctive, an incredible leader, who has a unique way of enabling the practical application of leadership theory in the paddock.

“Seeing leadership styles in action …with horses…was striking and memorable.”

“…an excellent way to tie what we did with the horses to business.”

“Very inspiring, I felt it gave permission to leave work behind and focus on myself.”

“It’s different to what I have been to before and everything tied well to development areas.”

The Programme Journey

Unlocking Your Leadership Growth Potential  is an 8-month guided programme like no other and is built around Escentia’s 6 critical ingredients for leadership success – developing focussed, adaptable, impactful and sustainable enterprise leaders.

It is also an amazing opportunity for delegates to learn from leaders and experts within the leadership development field, combined with external experts from academia, and from their fellow cohort.

Designed as a toolkit for busy senior leaders, the programme quickly gives them what they need most to lead the business, people and daily operations, to:

  • further grow as a confident and impactful, flexible leader in change
  • enhance business acumen as an Enterprise Leader and executive presence
  • enable sustainability during ambiguity to thrive rather than just survive.

The programme is delivered across 3 modules (from April to November), with 6 in-person sessions, a virtual kick-off call to connect the team, a virtual workshop to understand self and others and Executive coaching throughout the journey.

Stay tuned for more updates and drop us a line to learn more about this programme –  Contact us today.

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